Instructions for Authors
Manuscripts – in Croatian or English – should be sent in Word format to the email address:
The maximum article length is 8.000 words, while the maximum length of book reviews is 2.000 words. Quoted passages of more than 40 words should be set off from the text by indenting the left hand margin and using a smaller font.
The manuscript should correspond with the aims and scope of the journal. Its title page should contain: (1) author’s name, (2) a concise and informative title, (3) author’s academic affiliation, (4) address for correspondence and e-mail address, (5) an abstract of 100 to 200 words, (6) 5 to 7 keywords or short phrases, (7) acknowledgements (optional). The manuscript itself should contain no self-identifying references.
References should be cited in parentheses in text by author’s name, year of publication and page number(s). Examples: (Kripke 1980: 45), (Quine 1951: 25). References with up to three authors should include names of each author. Examples: (Kukla and Walmsley 2004: 136), (Allen, Wallach and Smit 2011: 51-55). References with more than three authors should cite only the first author’s name, followed by “et al.”. Example: (English et al. 2006: 118).
All references with full bibliographical data should be listed alphabetically in the bibliography at the end of the manuscript, as follows:
Kripke, S. 1980. Naming and Necessity (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press).
Journal articles
Quine, W. V. 1951. “Two dogmas of empiricism”, The Philosophical Review 60(1), 20–43.
Book chapters
English, V., Mussell, R., Sheather, J. and Sommervill, A. 2006. “Autonomy and its limits: What place for the public good?”, in: S. A. M. McLean (ed.), First Do No Harm: Law, Ethics and Healthcare (Aldershot: Ashgate), 117–130.
Internet sources
Wolf, M. P. 2016. “Philosophy of language”, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, [accessed February 12th 2016].